Rocky Mountain Geology cover volume 47, number 1

Spring 2012

Correlating Proterozoic synorogenic metasedimentary successions in southwestern Laurentia: New insights from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of Paleoproterozoic quartzite and metaconglomerate in central and northern Colorado, U.S.A.
James V. Jones, III; Kristine Thrane

Triassic fossils found stratigraphically above ‘Jurassic’ eolianites necessitate the revision of lower Mesozoic stratigraphy in Picket Wire Canyonlands, south-central Colorado 
Andrew B. Heckert; Eric J. Sload; Spencer G. Lucas; Bruce A. Schumacher

South Fork Fault as a gravity slide: its break-away, timing, and emplacement, northwestern Wyoming, U.S.A. 
Timothy L. Clarey
