Rocky Mountain Geology logoRocky Mountain Geology (formerly Contributions to Geology) is published twice yearly by the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming. The focus of the journal is regional geology and paleontology of the Rocky Mountains and adjacent areas of western North America. Except by invitation, manuscripts must contain results of previously unpublished, original research; occasional special articles or theme issues may be solicited by the editors.

Inquiries regarding suitability of topics should be addressed via email to:

Benefits to Authors

✔ Clean, highly readable format, with thorough attention to detail from manuscript submission through final publication

✔ High professional visibility—Rocky Mountain Geology is a charter member and 'Participating Publisher' of (GSW)

✔ High-quality and thorough in-house editing (not electronically automated or outsourced)

✔ Commitment to keeping publication costs as low as possible (read about the journal's open access policy). Discounts for authors who have previously published in the journal.

RMG is a participant in CLOCKSS and LOCKSS)

✔ Regional and specific North American focus (Rocky Mountains, High Plains, eastern Basin and Range)

✔ International distribution of published work (through GSW)

✔ Occasional "Profiles" features for well-known geologists/paleontologists

✔ Absence of annoying clutter from advertising

✔ Ability to publish maps and full-color figures

✔ No manuscript length restrictions

✔ Willingness to negotiate theme issues dedicated to special topics

Author Resources

For more information about contributing your work to Rocky Mountain Geology, please download any of the relevant files below: