Fall 2008
Revisions to stratigraphic nomenclature of the Upper Triassic Chinle Group in New Mexico: New insights from geologic mapping, sedimentology, and magnetostratigraphic/paleomagnetic data
Kate E. Zeigler; Shari Kelley; John W. Geissman
Stenomylus (Stenomylus) taylori, sp. nov. (Stenomylinae, Camelidae), from the early Miocene (Hemingfordian) Blick Quarry in New Mexico
Michael Cassiliano
Sub-hydrostatic pore pressure in coalbed and sand aquifers of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, and implications for disposal of coalbed-methane-produced water through injection
Hannah E. Ross; Mark D. Zoback
Strontium isotopes as indicators of aquifer communication in an area of coal-bed natural gas production, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana
Catherine E. Campbell; Benjamin N. Pearson; Carol D. Frost
Israel Cook Russell—explorer, geomorphologist, geographer, educator
K. R. Aalto