Fall 2004
Timing, style, and significance of Cambrian through Laramide brittle reactivation along the Proterozoic Homestake shear zone, Colorado mineral belt
Joseph L. Allen
The Wyoming Jurassic fossil Dentalium subquadratum Meek, 1860 is not a scaphopod but a serpulid worm tube
C. Philip Palmer; Donald W. Boyd; Ellis L. Yochelson
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the upper Fox Hills and lower Hell Creek Formations at the Concordia Hadrosaur Site in northwestern South Dakota
Mary C. Colson; Russell O. Colson; Ron Nellermoe
Unconformities and age relationships, Tongue River and older members of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), western Williston Basin, U.S.A.
Edward S. Belt; Joseph H. Hartman; John A. Diemer; Timothy J. Kroeger; Neil E. Tibert; H. Allen Curran
The King and Hayden Surveys: Overlap of pioneering mapping in northern Colorado
K. R. Aalto