Rocky Mountain Geology cover volume 35, number 1

Spring 2000

Reflections on Proterozoic magmatism of the Rocky Mountains and environs: Past and present 
Carol D. Frost

2.01-Ga Kennedy dike swarm, southeastern Wyoming : Record of a rifted margin along the southern Wyoming province 
David M. Cox; Carol D. Frost; Kevin R. Chamberlain

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages for Big Creek gneiss, Wyoming and Boulder Creek batholith, Colorado: Implications for timing of Paleoproterozoic accretion of the northern Colorado province 
Wayne R. Premo; C. Mark Fanning

Age and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic systematics of plutonic rocks from the Green Mountain magmatic arc, southeastern Wyoming: Isotopic characterization of a Paleoproterozoic island arc system 
Wayne R. Premo; R. R. Loucks

The 1.76-Ga Horse Creek anorthosite complex, Wyoming: A massif anorthosite emplaced late in the Medicine Bow orogeny 
Carol D. Frost; Kevin R. Chamberlain; B. Ronald Frost; James S. Scoates

Dynamic versus anorogenic setting for Mesoproterozoic plutonism in the Wet Mountains, Colorado: Does the interpretation depend on level of exposure? 
Christine S. Siddoway; Rima M. Givot; Christopher D. Bodle; Matt T. Heizler

An overview of the petrology and geochemistry of the Sherman batholith, southeastern Wyoming: Identifying multiple sources of Mesoproterozoic magmatism 
Ben R. Edwards; Carol D. Frost
