Contributions to Geology volume 8, number 2 part 1 cover

Summer 1969 (Wyoming Uranium Issue)

Aspects of the geologic history of Wyoming related to the formation of uranium deposits 
Robert S. Houston

Ground water as related to the origin and search for uranium deposits in sandstone 
Arthur P. Butler

Uranium deposits in the lower cretaceous of the black hills 
A. R. Renfro

Uranium deposits of the Gas Hills 
Don C. Anderson

Uranium deposits in the Great Divide Basin-Crooks Gap area, Fremont and Sweetwater counties, Wyoming 
Robert V. Bailey

Stratigraphic control of sandstone uranium deposits in Wyoming 
M. Dean Webb

Uranium deposits of the Powder River Basin 
James F. Davis

Uranium deposits in shirley basin, Wyoming 
Robert E. Melin
