Contributions to Geology volume 30, number 1

Spring 1994

Paleoenvironments, lithofacies and varves of the Fossil Butte Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, southwestern Wyoming 
H. Paul Buchheim

Studies of paleoenvironments and historical biogeography in the Fossil Butte and Laney Members of the Green River Formation 
Lance Grande

Paleontological and sedimentological variation in early Eocene Fossil Lake 
Lance Grande; H. Paul Buchheim

Early Bridgerian (middle Eocene) vertebrate paleontology and paleoecology of the southern Green River Basin, Wyoming 
Gregg F. Gunnell; William S. Bartels

Multi-scale sedimentary controls on taphonomy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation, southwestern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming 
Michael B. Leite

Myrmekomomys, a new genus of micromomyine (Mammalia, ?Microsyopidae) from the lower Eocene rocks of the Powder River basin, Wyoming 
Peter Robinson

Paromomyidae (?Dermoptera) from the Powder River basin, Wyoming, and a discussion of microevolution in closely-related species 
Peter Robinson; Logan D. Ivy
