Spring 1987
Northern Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming; revision of structural geology, northeast flank
D. L. Blackstone
Planktic foraminifera from the type area of the Fort Hays Limestone
William E. Frerichs; Allory P. Deiss
A new Clarendonian (late Miocene) fauna from eastern Nevada
Michael E. Nelson; James H. Madsen
The bivalve, Musculiopsis MacNeil, in Lower Cretaceous non-marine strata, Rocky Mountains
R. W. Scott
Storm-influenced shelf deposition of the lower sandstone member, Lower Cretaceous Thermopolis Shale, southwestern Montana
Alan D. Stine; James G. Schmitt
The Hottell Ranch rhino quarries (basal Ogallala; medial Barstovian), Banner County, Nebraska; Part I; Geologic setting, faunal lists, lower vertebrates
M. R. Voorhies; J. Alan Holman; Xue Xiang-Xu