Spring 1979
Geometry and origin of deformational structures in the Precambrian metamorphic rocks of the Hill City area, Black Hills, South Dakota
B. G. Woodland
Silurian continental margin in northern Nevada and northwestern Utah
Peter M. Sheehan
Vertebrate fauna of the Laramie Formation (Maestrichtian), Weld County, Colorado
K. Carpenter
K-Ar age for the Fowkes Formation (middle Eocene) of southwestern Wyoming
M. E. Nelson
Description of a large trionychid turtle shell from the Eocene Bridger Formation of Wyoming
E. S. Gaffney
Angiosperms from the late Tertiary Keller local fauna of Ellis County, Kansas
J. R. Thomasson
Aspects of continental crustal structure and growth; targets for scientific deep drilling
Scott B. Smithson