Fall 1975
Mapping of linear structural elements from remote sensing imagery
D. L. Blackstone
Invertebrate burrows in an Oligocene fresh-water limestone
Paul Edwards
Distribution of meniscate burrows in non-marine Tertiary sediments of Western U.S.
Heinrich Toots
Technical feasibility of the proposed Energy Transportation Systems Incorporated well field, Niobrara County, Wyoming
Peter W. Huntoon; Travis Womack
Miocene sediment dispersal for western Nebraska and south-eastern Wyoming
H. A. Bart
Pre-Wisconsin paleosols and related soils on the South French Creek-Middle Fork (Little Laramie River) Interfluve, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming
Richard G. Reider; Steve R. Gurley
Clastic dikes in the Fountain and Casper formations (Permo-Pennsylvanian), southeastern Wyoming
Thomas S. Ahlbrandt; Ray E. Harris