Contributions to Geology volume 12, number 1 cover

Winter 1973

Early Miocene mammals from Northeast Nebraska 
Michael R. Voorhies

Inversion of aragonite to calcite in Corbicula (Leptesthes) fracta from Upper Cretaceous strata of Wyoming 
Heinrich Toots; J. E. Fox

The significance of small bones in paleoecological interpretation 
Peter Dodson

Geothermal measurements by the University of Wyoming 
Edward R. Decker

Qualitative X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence analysis of some Oligocene coprolites 
Paul D. Edwards

Age and stratigraphic relations of the Fowkes Formation, Eocene, of southwestern Wyoming and northeastern Utah 
Michael E. Nelson

Fossil mammals from the upper part of the Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation (early Bridgerian), northern Green River basin, Wyoming 
Robert M. West; Mary R. Dawson
